The Compliance and Integrity Officer of the Ghana Football Association Obed Tuffour has attended the 4th FIFA Compliance Summit in Costa Rica.
The program which was held on September 26th and 27th in San Jose, brought together Compliance Officers of all FIFA Member Associations.
The two-day summit was intended to explore how Compliance officers can go ”Beyond Best Practice”, and look at compliance in a different way and also aim at expanding best-practice policy so that it is a shared mindset and culture, while considering the differences in access to resources.
Several renowned International speakers explored topics which will directly improve the way Compliance officers work and handed them with adequate tools to be efficient, efficient and influential.
The agenda included, Safeguarding football from corruption: what are the linkages with good governance, the Importance of Compliance to FIFA’s Victim Remission Petition with the United States Department of Justice addressed by expert Christopher Boehning.
Others included Building Privacy, Building Trust: Imperatives in our Digital World which was addressed by Trevor Hughes, President and CEO, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and Conflict of Interest - FIFA Compliance. Day Two of the session touched on top strategies for compliance Leaders to Influence Organizational Culture – a topic that was handled by renowned strategist and motivational speaker - Gabriela Mueller Mendoza.
Areas like Digital Disclosure, Data Protection and Speak-Up Culture were also treated.
The Ghana Football Association has over the past few years built solid structures to protect the integrity of the game through the compliance and Integrity office.
The core mandate of the Integrity unit is to adopt an effective approach towards the fight against all forms of manipulation and/or the unlawful influencing of football matches or competitions.
The main principles of FIFA’s integrity initiative are the promotion of integrity and the protection of football matches and competitions. This means promoting integrity internally and to the public at all times, as well as protecting football matches and competitions against match manipulation as far as possible and under all circumstances.